Oneonta, NY




As a Book Art Collective member in collaboration with the UA Poetry Center, I made a broadside of a poem by MFA student Hannah Ensor. There will be a poetry reading on Thursday at 7pm at the Poetry Center. Come! You’ll see me and Hannah and a whole bunch of letterpress broadsides.

Originally I had planned on incorporating more imagery (possibly via linocut), but as I set the type it made more sense to keep it super clean with full attention on the text. It really is a wonderful text, and it is about defying expectation and not knowing, so I think it would have been missing the point to clutter it up with figurative imagery.

I find a lot of joy in setting type.

Hope you all are well. xxoo

Oneonta, NY

One thought on “Oneonta, NY

  1. Hannah says:

    Amanda, this — and you — are incredible. Thank you so much. I’m giddy and grateful and giddy some more.

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